Absolutely welcomeGlattnos wrote: ↑Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:09 am Thanks a lot!
You made me think a little bit different. Instead of continue my already 2-day long investigation about the PWM I did as you said and started to look at the MessagePort instead. After reading about how it works I was using the MessagePort on another ArduinoUNO and was sending the Gforce-data to it and used the HW PWM there instead. The PWM was now perfectly steady and my MotionPlatform was super smooth
I was dealing so much with this problem, made filters to filter out bad PWM-signals and to dampen the motions and jitter. Now when the PWM was solid I could basically take away most of the filtering without problems. So really thanks for pointing me into the right direction, I needed to realise that the PWM from the MEGA could be the problem. Because it seams like there is no possibility to setup the PWM exactly as you want in AirManager it's hard to have perfect control over it. But its amazing that they also have MessagePort that solves those problems
Right now all works fine, but I will start to rewrite the software for my motion platform and implement MessagePort directly into it so I dont even need PWM. AirManager can just send all data(G-forces and angular data) via MessagePort directly to my Arduino UNO that controls the motion platform Very convenient and much better than sending any PWM-signals. The only drawback as I can see is that AirManager need to be closed before the Ar duinoIDE can use the USB(for flashing and for serial communication during testing), but thats not a big problem
Once again, Thanks a lot
AM is great for gauges etc but for hardware then I find that anything more than a few switches it is far far better and easier to use messageport for anyone familiar with the Arduino IDE. The beauty is that you are not going through a third party closed code with limitations that you cannot debug and also you have 1000% more control over what you are doing, and, can debug and control directly from the Arduino IDE with simulated values.
Really glad you are getting somewhere. Keep us informed as it sounds like a great project