Beechcraft King Air 350I, stock mockup

Help with Air Manager iPad version

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Beechcraft King Air 350I, stock mockup

#1 Post by Rolfvp »

This is my Ipad app setup for the Beechcraft King Air 350. I have the Garmin 1000NXi mod in the MSFS cockpit (PC Laptop). So iPad to the left and joystick to the right. Very basic entry level = iPad Air Manager entry level user.

About 6 hours of work including about 5 restarts...all over from scrath. Please dont comment on the allignments :D If anyone should be joystick leftys and therefor prefere the the Ipad in right hand...then you are lucky. I tryed to place the Garmin G1000 knobs in left side of screen. What a relief! Not to risk the Garmin layer jump to front = start all over.

BUT i dident give up...i need the Garmin knobs to the left side of screen, joystick in right hand.

Now looking at the result, wich work very well for me, i see that the 3 big meters should be verticaly alligned together so the engine instruments could be on the same vertical line. But i dont dare to change it risking all over again.

Pleeease do something to this least a "copy panel" function.

The TAS and the GS on the Aspen EFD1000 dont show correct reading, it shows about half speed . Its supposed to be a "generic" instrument and TAS and GS should not be complicated to read correct. great for me and happy flying

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